The online submissions portal is open from November 15th 2021
The submission portal will close February 14th 2022.
Notification of acceptance will be emailed by March 4th 2022.
Please submit your abstract by email to: sprleeds2022@gmail.com (guidance below)
Submission types
There are four categories or types of presentations: Panels, brief papers, structured discussions, and posters. The programme committee will organise brief papers into groups by topic.
The conference organisers are also soliciting submissions for two 90-minute workshops on the Friday (April 8th).
Abstract Guidelines
Submissions should be in the form of an abstract limited to 250 words. For panel and structured discussions, the moderator/organiser should provide an overview of the session as a whole. Brief papers, papers in a panel, and posters should be structured using the following headings: Aim, Methods, Results, Discussion. Workshop abstracts should detail the learning aims, main content and interactive elements of the workshops.
Panels should include three to four presentations focused on a common theme or various facets of a large-scale research project. Panels will be 75 minutes with a minimum of 15 minutes for open discussion. We encourage the inclusion of panel discussants that can provide a distinctive research and/or clinical perspective on the panel presentations. The organiser of the panel will be asked to moderate the session. The organiser may submit the overview and all participating papers, or each individual paper may submitted by the first author who will need to add the title of the panel to their submission.
Brief Papers
Brief papers are 10 minute reports about ongoing or completed studies. Brief paper sessions will be 75 minutes and will consist of five short presentations, with 5 minutes for discussion allotted to each. The programme committee will designate moderators for the brief paper sessions.
Structured Discussions
These are meant to provide an opportunity for group discussion among colleagues on a specific topic in psychotherapy research (e.g., specific methods, theories, new developments in research and practice, disorders, etc.). Structured Discussions will also be 75 minutes. The number of persons should be named who agree to lead the discussion. Sessions should be structured by having each designated discussant give a position statement (of maximally 5 minutes) on the theme to elicit active participation from audience members.
The aim is to offer the in-person audience an opportunity to attend two 90-minute workshops on the Friday before the main conference. Submissions focused on psychotherapy research methodologies are particularly invited.
Posters are appropriate for the full range of research reports, including completed projects, single case studies, pilot studies, and work-in-progress. They provide a good opportunity for detailed discussion with interested colleagues. Poster dimensions should approximate 32" x 40" (80cm x 100cm) portrait. Posters will be displayed throughout the day. Please keep in mind that many attendees will appreciate receiving a handout summarising your research findings. Please note, we can only display posters in person at the conference site.
Submission Policies & Guidelines
Please read the instructions below carefully before submitting your work:
First authorship by an individual is limited to one presentation on a panel and brief paper session and two presentations when an additional structured discussion or poster is submitted. However, please note that one person can be listed as a co-author on multiple presentations as long as different people present them.
Although preference in general will be given to presentation of completed studies, we also aim to foster discussion of research projects at various stages of development (especially in structured discussions, posters, and brief paper sessions).
Depending on the number of submissions we may not be able to accommodate all submissions for this one-day conference. In trying to do so, we may request changing the type of presentation (e.g., oral presentation to posters).
Please submit your abstract by email to: sprleeds2022@gmail.com (guidance below)
Please say if you intend to attend the conference online or in-person
Please select the type of proposal you want to submit:
Brief paper
Structured discussion
Poster (in-person conference only)
Pre-conference Workshop
3. Please provide your details (these won't be shared with the peer reviewers)
Email address for correspondence
Email address for the abstract booklet (leave this blank if you don't want your email address included)
Affiliation (organisation, academic institution, etc.)
Professional role
4. Please provide the same details for your co-presenters
5. Abstract
All abstracts are limited to 250 words.
For panel and structured discussions, the moderator/organiser should provide an overview of the session as a whole.
For panels, the organiser may submit the overview and all participating papers, or each individual paper may submitted by the first author who will need to add the title of the panel to their submission.
Brief papers, papers in a panel, and posters should be structured using the following headings: Aim, Methods, Results, Discussion.
Workshop abstracts should detail the learning aims, main content and interactive elements of the workshops.