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The Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR) invites you to a full day conference hosted by the UK Chapter in Leeds, UK, on Saturday 9th April 2022 with the theme “Evidence for practice: Used, not used, misused?”.


The full conference program may be downloaded here


We warmly welcome you to present and discuss your research in the form of a poster, panel, and brief paper, structured discussion or workshop.

The conference will provide a unique opportunity to share your research developments and engage with psychotherapy researchers, practitioners and students from the UK and further afield in a welcoming and collegiate atmosphere. 


The conference is planned as a hybrid conference, with in-person attendance (COVID 19 permitting) as well as the opportunity for both online attendance and online presentations. The in-person part of the conference will be held at Leeds Beckett University (Rose Bowl building). For those attending in-person, a networking event will be held at the Northern Monk Brewery on Friday 8th April 2022.

Our two internationally renowned key note speakers will be Dr Jocelyn Catty and Professor Michael Barkham, addressing themes from their respective perspectives on child & adolescent and adult psychotherapy research, practice and teaching.



Leeds is a vibrant Northern English city with a rich history, loads of culture and beautiful landscapes right on the doorstep. Check out the ‘Enjoying your stay in Leeds’ section of this website to find out more!


We hope to see you in Leeds in April 2022!


Hybrid format = In-person and online

The aim for this event is to host a fully hybrid conference. There will be three parallel streams at the in-person event that will be streamed for the online audience. In addition, the plan is to have three online conference streams which will be available to both in-person and online audiences.

The online conference streams will be presented through Zoom; no other online conferencing platforms will be used. This is to keep conference costs low and conference organization simple.


All conference presenters will be asked to consent to having their presentations streamed.


Given ongoing pandemic uncertainties the conference committee reserve the right to change the conference format if required by local restrictions. We pledge to communicate promptly and openly with all conference attendees about any changes to the conference format as well as the rationale for such.



Conference timetable


8.30am  Registration

9.00am  Welcome

9:15am  Keynote presentation

10:15am Coffee break

10:30am Parallel sessions

11.45am Lunch


1:00pm Parallel sessions

2.15pm Coffee break

2.30pm Parallel sessions

3:45pm Coffee break

4:00pm Keynote Presentation

5:00pm Closing plenary

5:30pm End of conference

*Please note timings may still change



Pre-conference Workshops, Networking and Socialising Event

A special programme of two research methods workshops will take place on the previous afternoon on Friday the 8th of April from 2pm at the Northern Monk brewery, at the Old Flax Store, Marshall Street, just off from the canal side in Leeds.  Then from 5pm we will host a networking and socialising event at the Northern Monk.  


For a map of Leeds City Centre click here

For a map of Leeds City Car Parking click here



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