SPR UK will be supporting a number of students and postdoctoral trainees and early career professionals with attendence and/or travel awards. The details about this award and how to apply for it are below.
SPR UK Chapter Student/Early Career Researcher Awards
SPRUK Leeds 2022 April 9th 2022
The SPR UK Chapter is delighted to announce that we have FIVE student/early career researcher awards available to cover the conference registration fees.
• For those attending online we will pay your conference registration.
• For those attending in person we will provide your conference registration and we will also consider providing a contribution towards your travel costs.
There are three award categories. One award is oriented to master's and doctoral students who would be attending an SPR conference for the first time. The second award is oriented to master's and doctoral students who have previously attended any SPR (UK or international) conference. The third award is oriented to postdoctoral trainees and early career professionals (less than 3 years since the degree was awarded).
These awards are designed to support individuals who do not have institutional funding to attend the annual conference.
To be eligible, the student must be:
The first author on a paper or poster,
1. A student, post-doctoral fellow or early career professional (according to SPR membership status) at the time of the conference,
2. In good standing with SPR (i.e., SPR membership is current) and
3. Not receiving institutional financial support for attending the SPR Meeting
Applicants must demonstrate economic need & professional promise. They must also present an accepted paper or poster of interest at the Meeting. Successful applicants will be notified by email by March 13th 2022 and awards will be provided through electronic payment.
Application deadline is March 8th 2022. Applications to be submitted HERE.